A 3 season learning journey to become a more informed and effective designer, thinker, and human. The course is an adaptation of the 72 hour Permaculture Design Course with the shift toward more afro indigenous content and an applied justice lens.
Tuesday evenings from December 2022 - May 2023 6:30pm-8:30pm
Select Saturdays from January 2022 - May 2023 10:00am-4:00pm
Evenings online; Daytimes in person various locations Sacramento
This training is invite only for folks who identify as black, indigenous or a person of color and anti-racist co-conspirators working on social, environmental, and climate change. You must be invited by a member of UPI or be registered after talking with one. (If you’re reading this because you got this link from a friend, family, or colleague who is not a UPI member, please email Ei Ei or Kevin to schedule a quick chat.)
We will meet on Zoom video conference from 6:30-8:30pm PT on Tuesdays and in person in the Sacramento region from 10:00am - 4:00pm PT on Saturdays. Please see this calendar for all dates and topics.
Curriculum Overview
- Principles and Methods
- AfroIndigenous Principles, Principles for Life
- The Designer's Kit: Methods and Tools
- Social Permaculture
- Intro to Social Permaculture
- Regenerative and Just Economics
- Life Design and Designing for Life
- Joys and Pains of Living in Community
- Water
- Life is Water. Water is Life.
- Designing with Our Water Kin Part 1 (small scale, urban, suburban)
- Designing with Our Water Kin Part 2 (large scale, landscape)
- Soil
- Recipe for Healthy Soil (Transformation)
- Tending to the Soil, Getting Down and Dirty, Hands on the Land
- Extractive to Regenerative Agriculture
- And More...
- Natural Building, Climate Resilience, Settlement Design, Plant Selection, and many other topics related to our journey to love our planet
- Practicum
- You will be invited to participate in a group design project to apply what you are learning to an actual place/site.
This training is facilitated by the UPI team with over 15 years experience facilitating permaculture design trainings.
Registration is limited.
If at the end of any class, you feel that the training was not valuable for you we would request a conversation with you and are willing to refund your tuition payment.